Like Watching Paint Dry?
Many people use the term 'like watching paint dry' to describe dullest and most boring events in life. However, those who really know paint will tell you that the drying and curing process is both complex and fascinating, and even today is still not fully understood. And of course there are many reasons why paint sometimes doesn't dry properly, such as solvent entrapment, undercure and excessive thickness. Then there are cosmetic defects such as dust inclusions, dull gloss, blooming, cissing, orange peel, and so the list goes on.
To help resolve such problems we offer a comprehensive technical consultancy service to Boatyards, Shipyards, Surveyors, Boat Owners and Insurers, and will gladly examine any size of vessel from dingy to superyacht. Please click on the Services link for more information.
Need a moisture Meter?
We stock an extensive array of test and surveying equipment including the full range of Tramex and Sovereign marine moisture meters, Cygnus and Tritex ultrasound metal thickness gauges, Barcol Hardness Testers, etc. and can provide expert advice on how to use them. Please click on the Moisture Meters and Test Equipment link for further information.
Technical Training
Nigel Clegg was a regular lecturer at the University of Plymouth's now defunct Small Craft Surveying courses and continues to lecture at other venues. With the benefit of this experience specialist training can be provided on many subjects involving marine paint coatings, osmosis and related disciplines. This service extends to authoring high quality technical manuals and short print runs. Please call for more information.